Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Off to Rome

I wanted to get an early start on this blog thing, mostly because I've sent it around to a few people and who am I to disappoint them with an empty blog? A blog or journal is required for the study abroad program I am on, but I am actually pretty excited about writing it. I've never kept any sort of journal before, so I think it will be a good experience; good for my learning and growth. (That's what is says in my program booklet anyway). The fact that it is required also makes it seem much less self serving and narcissistic, (but I'd still write one without the requirement).

Anyway, I was up late last night packing, but I don't think I'll be done I until I get to Rome, unpack, and realize how many things I forgot to bring. Interestingly enough, I don't yet know my exact address in Rome. I tend to joke that I am going to be picked up from the airport and thrown into the back of a van with a bag over my head, then dropped on the sidewalk in front of my apartment. However, I've been reassured that I will be living in a safe area that is somewhat close to the university, and my transportation will be bag-free. In all seriousness, I am extremely excited about the next four months. I'm taking interesting classes, living in an incredible city with a rich culture and history, and will most likely never get to experience something like this again. I'm off to the airport, look for my next post soon!

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